
Hi hello!

Welcome to my portfolio site! I’m your friendly Chicago-based Graphic Designer, Jillian Martin.

A little about me? Well, I've always known I wanted to be an artist when I grew up. To make that happen, I attended the School of Art + Design at the University of Illinois UC, and since then I’ve worked with various in-house design teams, including for the Walt Disney Company and Me and My BIG Ideas (creators of the Happy Planner), while continuing to hold an incredible amount of respect for design agencies, having interned for several in Chicago prior to graduation. 

My favorite design motto comes from the animators of one of my all-time favorite movies, Who Framed Roger Rabbit: "Bump the Lamp." In a scene where Eddy carries Roger into a back room, he hits his fedora against a swinging light, rotating the light source around the room. Not only did the animators shade-in Roger to match his live-action counterparts, but they also went above and beyond to add the tiny, hardly noticeable detail of making his ears semi-transparent, like a real rabbit. Check it out yourself! All that to say, I never tire of maintaining high design standards and doing my best to go above and beyond in the little details whenever I can for my projects.

As a creative designer, I am well adept at being more than just one title. I am an ambitious graphic designer, creative illustrator, GIF enthusiast, fresh trend researcher, or just an overall designerd. Cliché as it is, I genuinely love finding new challenges to strengthen my passion for well-executed design.

If you would like to talk to me about a freelance design project or an illustration, please get in touch via email or on social media. Links are below!


Social Media

Forever Changing List of Favs
Typeface / Brandon Grotesque
Pantone / 13-1520
App / H*nest Meditation
Emoji / 🐳🤦‍♀️